3DPrint: DropBox addon
This plugin uploads model files to your DropBox account once an order is placed.
DropBox directory structure:
Where TXT file contains meta data such as printer, material, quantity, etc.
Please see the installations instructions below
20$* Add to cart
* Taxes apply.
Installation and configuration:
- Install the zip file of the addon like a regular WordPress plugin.
- Create a DropBox account on https://www.dropbox.com/
- In DropBox go to app console https://www.dropbox.
com/developers/apps and click “Create App” as explained here https://www.dropbox.com/ developers/reference/getting- started#app%20console - Select scoped access:
- In the settings of your app click Generate token:
- Copy the token and paste it in the backend of the wordpress plugin:
- Check permissions of the app:
- Configure your App Key and App Secret:
- Click “save”
- You will see App Auth URL.You need to authenticate just once.
- CLick on it, click “agree” and finally you will see something like this:
- This is your access code which should be pasted into “Access Code” field in 3DPrint Dropbox settings.
- Paste the code and save.
- Finally it should look like this: